L'Ombra de Vin - Bacaro Poetico

This is a promotional video that has been done for a sweet and typical wine shop placed in the city where I live. They serve you wine along with poetry books. After a consulting with the videomaker and the owner of the shop, I ended up producing this pretty tune. Nothing complicated, but to us it really match the atmosphere of the pictures. As other musical works I do, everything - from arranging the music to the final master - was finished by me.

Dettagli Ipnotici

There’s no particular story behind this work. It started as an exercise where the goal was to produce a music that would match the atmosphere of this video (a friend’s exercise as well, Lucia Magarò), and It ended up with a result that I personally love. A nice item for my portfolio. As other musical works I do, everything - arranging the music, sound fx, final master - was finished by me.

Poulette’s chair

This excerpt from Poulette’s chair was provided by Indie Film Music Contest. This is my submission to that competition. The reference to Studio Ghibli’s works is quite obvious. What I did here was to find a nice theme and then I reiterated with different arrangements for the whole video. It was also my first attempt to place believable foley sounds to moving pictures. It took me about 3 weeks, and I’m quite satisfied with the result. As other works I do, everything - arranging the music, sound fx, final master - was finished by me.

Attendere il sole

This is the final submission to a local short-video competition that was done in collaboration with two videomaker friends (Gianluigi Parpinel, Matilde Orrico). The theme of the contest was “The Pandemic” and the assigned emotion we draft was the “joy”. So this is a short-movie about the pandemic that should somehow represent the joy that could be found in the beginning of 2020. I took care of the music, arrangement and the final master of the whole audio clip.


This a short-movie made in collaboration with a local director (Giorgio Magarò) during the lockdown period. Almost all the shots and recording was made remotely, where each non protagonist actors recorded themselves with their own camera. It tells about a pandemic going on multiple planets, and a spaceman locked in his ship, since he is the last healthy man in the universe. In that occasion I remember I rushed a lot with my works, since it took me 2 days for a rough demo, and one week for finishing it. In this project I took care of sounds FX, recording repair and the final mix and master of the audio clip.

Westworld / Spitfire Scoring Competition

This excerpt from Westworld was provided by BBC through the Spitfire Audio Westorld scoring competition. This is my submission to that competition. I tried to blend classic orchestral scoring to something more electronic, following the emotional flow of the scene.

Caminandes 3

This excerpt from Caminandes 3 was provided by Indie Film Music Contest. This is my submission to that competition. What I did here is trying to literally follow every steps of the characters, subtly following the mood’s change for the whole clip. It took me about 2 weeks. In this project I wrote and arranged the music.

LB Danza - Dance Shop

This is a promotional video made for a dance shop located in Pavia. It took a lot of coordination between all the collaborators of the project. First I made a rough music demo starting from the reference that the shop owner gave me. This was an important step since the dancer and the choreographer needed it for preparing the movements. After the shots were made, me and the videomaker (Lucia Magarò) had deep talks in order to turn the best out the musical idea and the material she gathered. I took care of music, arrangements, sounds FX, mix and master.

Shot me down

This is a promotional video made for a particular “chupiteria” located in Pavia. Everything started with a deep brainstorm occurred between me, the videomaker (Lucia Magarò) and the shop owner. Once we had the mood I started producing some demos to better plan the shooting session. I struggled a little bit for reaching the final result since there’s a lot of tempo and mood changes in the clip. In the end I think the result is pretty homogeneous and precisely depict the brand identity. I took care of music, sound FX and final master.

Il moscone

This a pretty violent production I made for a promo for an escape room project (Escape Tower - Pavia) located in Pavia. Since in the promo was used just an excerpt, here I’m uploading the full track. The goal here was to find the most vulgar and “ignorant” sound I could.

The nighthawks

This is a extremely short production made for the Adam Audio soundtrack competition 2020. The goal was to depict the famous painting “The Nighthawks” by Edward Hopper.

Demon's Floor

This is the main track I produced for a local short-movie competition. Even if I was really young I’m pretty satisfied with the result. And we also won the best movie awards in that occasion!

Ping pond

Florist's composition

Inferno 2.0

This a cartoon commissioned by an italian non-profit foundation (Fondazione “La Cometa) as a part of the project “Tra palco e realtà”. Many people participated to this project, among them the animator Marco Pavone and the director Giorgio Magarò.
My contribution was about a full sound reinforcement, foley sounds and other sound FXs. I took care of the actors recordings and finished everything with the final mix and mastering.

FASTWEB D. A. 2020

This is a sound reinforcement project (where I also wrote and produced the music) I made for a webinar about sound-design for moving images and videogames, promoted by Fastweb digital academy. Everything was made in a single day.

Deus Ex Arca - Videoslam 2022

Master Volume
Music Volume

Massimiliano Manella

Sound Designer | Music Producer

Hi! I produce professional audio.

And I can supervise your next project.
If you like what you hear just get in touch!

Music and Sound Design

Check out my latest work:

see more

Adaptive audio

I also love to produce adaptive and procedural audio, turn on the audio and visit the adaptive audio section.

learn more

+39 3382551236

info@massimiliano-manella.comSend a mail

About Adaptive Audio

For an audio source, to be adaptive means that an interaction can make things to happen in its behavior.
I love to experiment around this subject through web apps, so I implemented some examples in this section.

Just swipe left or right to slide across the examples and remember to turn on the audio!

All the examples above (and most of the audio implementation in this web page) are made with FMOD Studio by Firelight Technologies Pty Ltd.

1) Night & Day

2) Audio distance

Open the mixer side menu

Drag the position controller to control a combination of the distance from the source and the size of the ambience.

In this website that slider is automated when you open and close the main menu. Try!

3) Dive into the water

Press the button to dive into the water. Press again to re-emerge.

audio muted!

4) The time shifter

Simply drag the horizontal slider to seamlessly shift between differents speed rates.

audio muted!


5) Sound Diorama

Sound Diorama is a collection of interactive soundscapes. Find more info and the link to the project in the sound diorama section of this website.

6) Adam Project

The "Adam Project" is an interactive installation, similar to a tamagotchi but with an ethical subtext. It was made with the help of a friend for an exposition about the end of the world. He took care of the "concrete and phisical" part, and I created the software for managing the interactions. And the adaptive sounds, of course.

Currently it's just in the real wolrd, but I'm working for delivering it in a digital form. Update coming soon.

Music and Sound Design

In this section you can find my most relevant works in the coxtext of music and sound design applied to moving pictures.
Inside each video you can click on the icon to learn more details.

  • All
  • Promo
  • Short Movie
  • Other
  • Inferno 2.0 - sounds reinforcement

  • Deus Ex Arca - music & sound design

  • LB Danza - music & sound design

  • Shot me down - music & sound design

  • L'ombra de vin - music & sound design

  • Dettagli ipnotici - full sounds

  • Poulette's Chair - full sounds

  • LIMBO - sounds reinforcement

  • Westworld / Spirtfire Contest - music

  • Caminandes 3 - music

  • Attendere il sole - music

  • FASTWEB D. A. 2020 - full sounds

  • Il moscone - music

  • The Nighthawks - music

  • Demon Floor - music

  • Ping Pond - music

  • Florist's composition - music

+39 3382551236

info@massimiliano-manella.comSend a mail

Sound Diorama is a growing collection of interactive soundscapes which I personally take care of.
This project led me to experiment around adaptive and procedurally generated music, soundscapes identity and interactive audio in general.

Go to site!

+39 3382551236

info@massimiliano-manella.comSend a mail

About Me

Guitar player for more than 15 years. Producing audio for about 7 years.

While attending 4CMP Academy in Milan and many others workshops, I always been praticing and studying a great variety of subjects concerning audio production. From music composition to mix and mastering.

My collaborations went through many indie projects in the area of Milan that needed audio production and supervision: promotional video, short movie competitions, cartoon's sound reinforcement etc...

Tasks that I'm used to:

  • Compose and arrange a wide range of musical genre
  • Mix and master audio
  • Audio restoration: remove unpleasant sounds from recordings
  • Sound effects for videos and podcast
  • Webdesign with HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Think about solutions for adaptive audio
  • Crafting procedurally generated music

+39 3382551236

info@massimiliano-manella.comSend a mail


Massimiliano Manella

info@massimiliano-manella.com Send a mail

+39 3382551236

Pavia, Italy

+39 3382551236

info@massimiliano-manella.comSend a mail